About Us
Department of Business Administration in IUE offers two undergraduate programs - “Business Administration” and “Accounting and Auditing”. Both programs with their modern and inter-disciplinary nature aim to equip students with professional knowledge and entrepreneurial skills.
Our Faculty consists of internationally well-known, dynamic and active researchers and professionals from the business world enabling our, students to link theory with practice. We adopt an experiential, active, participative and student-oriented education philosophy. Internships, individual and group projects and presentations are indispensable part of our curriculum. Wide range of elective courses offered to widen students’ perspectives while equipping them with professional knowledge and skills in the fields of marketing, operations management, accounting, finance, innovation, leadership and management. Through the Erasmus program and mutual agreements with internationally reputable universities, our students have the chance to study abroad, further fostering the climate of cross-cultural interaction, are our body of international students.
Like many departments at IUE, entrepreneurship and innovation are among the most visible characteristics of the department. Thanks to students’ projects created in our KOSGEB certified entrepreneurship courses, we are the only university in Turkey which received TUSIAD entrepreneurship flag three times in a row.
In our Accounting and Auditing program, our students gain professional knowledge, skills, and expertise in the field. The program is accredited by ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - England) which allows our graduates to work abroad as certified accountants. Our students are entitled to the 8 exemption out of a maximum of 9 that an educational institution can take from the vocational exams given by ACCA. They have the opportunity to start their accounting and finance career one step ahead in many parts of the world, including EU countries, by taking only 5 exams instead of 13 exams after graduation.
In addition to undergraduate programs, IUE Business Department offers 3 different MBA programs targeting professionals with various needs and a Ph.D. program which has a strong academic background. For further information: https://lisansustu.ieu.edu.tr/en
We are proud to see the contributions of our alumni to the economy, society and humanity as entrepreneurs, researchers and professionals working in international organizations all around the world.
Prof. Dr. Gülem ATABAY
Head, BA Department
"Business Administration in 5 Questions" with Prof. Dr. Gülem Atabay
Dean of Faculty of Business, Prof. Dr. Burcu Güneri Çangarlı gives detailed information about departments/programs to prospective university students on "Deans' Talk Live".

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